When you open our website you'll see it right away; ‘With trusted locals', but what is local travel exactly?
It starts at the beginning, how do you plan your journey? Are you going to choose a travel agency that arranges everything for you or do you decide to do it yourself? Travelling takes us to new places where we will have new experiences, discover different cultures, meet people, learn new languages, discover different kinds of food, and discover new places. Taking a break from home helps you to let go of the routine of your work, and perhaps the hustle and bustle of your family. It helps you to let go of stress, and relax for a while.
As soon as you choose to 'plan' your journey yourself, you enter the wonderful world of 'local travel'. By choosing accommodation near a 'city' you can open up to the locals. Contacting the locals will help you find special places that are not on Tripadvisor. Sometimes you can even choose to dive even more into the local community, perhaps it's a threshold: primitive, no freedom and it can be quite uncomfortable but it's recommended.

Local travel in the Netherlands
Can you do that? Yeah, I'm sure it can. We have several stays that certainly connect to this (Dutch stay in Amersfoort and another Dutch stay in Den Helder). But what do you do?
The Netherlands is a small country but also a very large multicultural country, over the years immigrants, expats, refugees etcetera have come here, which has made the Netherlands a lot bigger but also a mixed country. Suppose you come from Sint Annaparochie for example and you have never been across the Afsluitdijk to discover North Holland, this is a nice first step. We have several trusted hosts in den Helder who will tell you the history and give you a beautiful experience.
Of course, you can also choose to stay in a chalet with your family, is this also local? Yes, our host will welcome you and your family with open arms and tell you the ins-and-outs of the region. For example this cabin in Kropswolde.

Local travel abroad
The association with local travel is often made with this, while as you read above it is of course also possible in the Netherlands.
- Use local transportation
- Don't dive into the magazines too much
- Treat the locals with respect
Get in contact with people who also go to the same places of interest. Have you ever heard of apps like Duolingo or Memrise? Through these apps you can learn different languages for free, so you can communicate better with the real locals.
In several travel magazines, there are beautiful pictures but in reality this is not (often) the case. Rely on the surroundings and on yourself to discover the right places without making an extensive plan beforehand.
For example, if you go to Thailand, it is impropriate to show the bottom of your feet or if you go to an Islamic country, it is impropriated to wear too short clothing.
Do you want to travel locally but do you still find it exciting at the moment? We even have villas and apartments (watch here and for example here ) where you will get a 'local' treatment. Our host is there for you 24/7, and indicates where the beautiful places in the area are.